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Sunday, April 10, 2011

May Not Welcome in Leader's Debates: Networks

Just like last election there is controversity over The Green Party Leader, Elizabeth May should be allowed to participate.  The Green Party does not have a seat in The House of Commons, and therefore some people in Canada believe that she does not get a spot in the leaders debate broadcast across the country.  Another point against The Green Party Leader, is that during the last election, she was included in the leaders debate she was rude to the other leaders of the parties.  As for who has the decision who gets included in the debate is up to the broadcasting consortium.  The Green Party may be a large political party across Canada, yet they still do not have a seat in The House of Commons.  Some people my argue that without a seat in The House of Commons, that does not make their leader eligible for the leaders debate.  Elizabeth May was included in the last leader's debate, but she turned-out to be rude to the other leaders.  May is determined to be included again this time around, but that decision is up to the broadcasting consortium.

I believe that to be included in the leader's debate, your party should at least hold one seat in The House of Commons.  Why should you be included in a discussion to have a say between party leaders, where you do not even have a say in The House of Commons?  From where I stand, as long as a party has a seat in The House of Commons, then they should have an invitation to the leaders debate, and if they do not, then they might just have to sit this one out then.  Another point that I would like to add is that, when the last leader's debate occurred in the last election, Elizabeth May was included, but was completely rude to the other leaders.  I believe that this alone, if I was a leader, would give me a reason almost not to want May included in the debate.  In the end, it does not matter, and Elizabeth May is right, that she has a right to be in the debate, and it probably would not bother the general public too much, and I know it would not bother at all.


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