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Monday, April 11, 2011

Controversial Quebec Liberal To Remain In Race

The Liberal canidate in the riding of Manicouagan in Quebec, Andres Forbes, was apparently dropped by his party last week after he made some controversial comments about Aborignal People. Forbes apparently said that Aboriginal People are "featherheads" and lazy.  This raised lots of contreversity, and enough so for Liberal Party Leader, Micheal Ignatieff, to kick Forbes out of the Liberal Party.  Since Forbes has already been nominated for the election, the party cannot fire him as a canidate, and he is not quitting, which means that as of right now, the Liberal Party has no canidate for the riding of Manicouagan, Quebec.  Since he still wants to run in the election, he will be an independant canidate, but still show up on the ballot as a memeber of the Liberal Party of Canada.  Since the Liberals cannot technically have a canidate in that riding, they are a little disturbed by this.

I believe that Andres Forbes' comment about Aboriginal People being "featherheads" and lazy was completely uncalled for, and he should be ashamed that he even said that.  I think that as a canidate, he should resign form the election, because of his actions.  The Aboriginal People were here before us, and I am probably sure that they helped with their knowledge of their land to save more than a few European explorers, and travellers.  The fact that he has stayed in the election has probably angered more than a few people across a Canada.  Even with an apology, I believe that he should still drop-out of the election, because his actions were inexcusable, and since they cannot be met with any formal punishment, then I believe that he should resign himself.


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