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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leaders Make Debate Pictches, Trade Barbs

On April 12th, 2011, it was the english leaders debate.  The debate consisted of the four main party leaders, Stephen Harper (Conservative), Micheal Ignatieff (Liberal) , Jack Layton (NDP), and Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Quebecois).  This election's debate excluded The Green Party Leader, Elizibeth May, which was a decision which was made be the broadcasting consortium.  The leaders discussed various topics, from immigration to Canada's presence on the world stage.  Some highlights within the debate included, NDP Leader, Jack Layton, accusing Micheal Ignatieff of being Stephen Harper's "best friend," the talk of the coalition, health care talks, and more.  It was heated at times, and some excellent points were made by each party.  Stephen Harper was almost asking Canadians it seemed, to vote a majority government in his favour, and bargained with that by saying that Canada does not need to be have as many elections as we have in the last few years, and we need a stable government to be able to pass bills in a timely, and efficient manner.

I believe that Stephen Harper won the debate, if there was a winner to be decided.  I personally watched the debate live on t.v. and, he maintained a calm, cool, and collective attitude throughout the debate.  One aspect of Stephen Harper's debating, was that he looked into the camera, and talked into it, whereas the other party leaders seemed to periodically look into the camera, but spend most of their time looking at the other party leader while debating with them.  I also agree with what Stephen Harper said about Canada needing a majority government, and that will make the passing of laws much easier, and efficient.  I believe that this leader's debate was informational, and a good perspective of what each leader will want to do, if they, and their party are elected into office.

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