Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Leaders Cross Country To Woo Voters

As of yesterday, Canadians will be heading to the polls on May 2nd to vote for who they think should run the country now.  This comes after The Conservitives lost a non-confidence vote yesterday.  Being only a minority government all of the other parties had to vote against the Convservitives to make the government fall.  Along with an election though comes with all of the bills on the table dieing.  This time around a big one was The Vetrans Bill that was passed in The House of Commons, and was ready to be voted on by the Senate.  Now it could take a whole another year for a single bill to be passed from around our current date right now.  This election is not needed, and Canada needs a government during the Lybian Crisis overseas since we have troops over their.The leader of The Liberal Party Michael Ignatieff was in Montreal the other day trying to get support for his party.  As for the rest of the leaders of the parties they are touring the country trying to get support for their party's.

I personally believe, that this elction was called for not a good reason, and should have been called in the midst of The Lybian Uprising, because we have troops over seas.  I believe that we need a government at this point, and time to oversea what is happening overseas.  Also, I see it as The Conservitives are going to win, and probably with more seats than they already had at this point, and time.  I just think that Michael Ignatieff will not win this time, he just does not have enough support from the citizens of Canada yet to be able to win an election, yet, and defeat Stephen Harper.  I also think that during the economic recession during Stephen Harper's term was handled very well.  Lets hope that when Canadians go to the polls on May 2nd, they take account of what Stephen Harpger has done for Canada over his last few terms as The Prime Minister of Canada, and vote for who they think who should run our country.


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