Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gbagbo Arrested In Ivory Coast: Reports

On Monday, President Laurent Gbagbo was arrested by rebel troops.  There has been a lot of up rise in The African Nation since last year when President Gbagbo supposedly rigged the election which was actually won by the opposition leader and internationally recognized winner Alassane Ouattara.  President Gbagbo was trying to hold on until the in a bunker within his presidential compound, until today where French, United Nations (UN), and rebel troops arrested him.  They now are being held within a hotel in Abidjan where Alassane Ouattara, and is now being guarded by UN Police.  Even though Gbagbo was arrested, gunfire could still be heard on the night of his arrest from Gbagbo supporters who still do not believe their leader has been arrested.  The French, and The UN both deny participation in the arrest, and so does the opposition leaders, but apparently the French were rumoured to have bombarded that area hard, and then provided some ground support with armoured vehicles.

I believe that some of the African countries, such as Ivory Coast, may be corrupt, and the threat of more, and more possible up rises in that part of the world are almost inevitable.  After what happened in Eygpt, it almost seemed like it opened new doors, and sparked new ideas for countries who are corrupt.  I believe that it is likely that we see more of these demonstrations of displeasure by the citizens of a country.  Right after Eygpt, Lybia started to up rise, and the number of protests in the world went up quite significantly in a short period of time.  I do not see these protests as a bad thing, but a great thing, one that shows that people have had enough, and that in this day and age, people will take a stand on what they believe, and that is exactly what these citizens are doing.

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