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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Japan PM Urges Calm As Nuclear Level Raised

Just recently, Japan Officials have raised the Nuclear warning of The Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant Nuclear danger.  Officials have raised the warning from a 5 to a 7, which is the same level that Chornobyl was at when it melted-down in 1986.  The level was changed since recent studies have shown that there is some increased radioactivity around the area.  Even though the level is the same, the radiation emission is only 10% of what Chornobly's radiation emission was.  Up until this new announcement, Chornobyl was the only nuclear plant to have a rating of 7, and for some background information The Three Mile Island incident of 1979 was rated a 5.  With this new warning, The Government of Japan has also extended the evacuation zone to anywhere within 70km of the nuclear power plant.  The Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant was damaged after a tsunami hit the plant.  It went through all of it's proper steps of proper shutdown, and prevention of a melt-down, but after all of it's back-up plans, it still began to go into a partle-meltdown.  Japan itself has still been getting after shocks, and two in the last two weeks, with both magnitudes being over 6.0 on the Richter Scale.  The Government of Japan has now also raised the death toll to 13,219 people, and also there are still more than 14,000 people still missing, and more than 145,000 people in evacuation centres.

I personally believe that this is a tragic incident that could not have been prevented.  Some may try, and argue that there could have been more rules, and regulations regarding safety, and proper shut-down.  If you really think about it though, it is a Nuclear Reactor, and there is only so much we can do to prevent this, and if The Japanese Government is doing all that they can, or could, before-hand then I do not have a problem with it.  I believe that, because Japan is a nation that is rocked with many earthquakes over time, then they should have the most advanced, and innovated equipment regrading safety, and proper shut-down procedures.  They need to get their power from somewhere, and Nuclear Power is the cleanest non-reusable source, and then it only makes sense for them to use Nuclear Power to produce power for their country.  I believe that this is a tragedy, that could not have been prevented, but can be improved upon in the sense that they should have the best technology, and proper shut-down procedures.


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