Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Belarus Subway Blast Death Toll Rises To 12

On Monday, an explosion in a subway in Belarus has now killed 12 people, and wounded 200 others.  They say that they have now identified a person of particular interest, and are looking for him.  The bomb was apparently placed under a bench in The Oktyabrskaya Station, and then it was left there, and it was detonated by a radio-controlled device.  Many victims who were injured in the blast have lost arms, and legs.  The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko is the last dictator still in Europe, and he apparently won the election in December, but internationally the final result was that he rigged the election.  He has been in power now for 17 years, and apparently keep the Soviet-style of governing the country.  Since the blast, people have gone to the site, and have placed flowers there.

I believe that these are unneeded explosions.  Any explosion is unneeded, and there should not ever be a reason for one.  I think that these incidents are inevitable though, and the only way to try, and prevent this issue, would be to set-up an airport style of security, in which each patron goes through security each time the would like to travel by subway. This is not ideal though, since the subway is a major industry in Belarus, and a major means of travel, and to place security into the subway stations, it would not be as efficient as other means of travel, because it would create long line-ups, and wait times.  I believe that this trade was un-preventable, and the police are, I am sure everyone else is doing their best to figure-out who did this, and try, and help the people who were hurt.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leaders Make Debate Pictches, Trade Barbs

On April 12th, 2011, it was the english leaders debate.  The debate consisted of the four main party leaders, Stephen Harper (Conservative), Micheal Ignatieff (Liberal) , Jack Layton (NDP), and Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Quebecois).  This election's debate excluded The Green Party Leader, Elizibeth May, which was a decision which was made be the broadcasting consortium.  The leaders discussed various topics, from immigration to Canada's presence on the world stage.  Some highlights within the debate included, NDP Leader, Jack Layton, accusing Micheal Ignatieff of being Stephen Harper's "best friend," the talk of the coalition, health care talks, and more.  It was heated at times, and some excellent points were made by each party.  Stephen Harper was almost asking Canadians it seemed, to vote a majority government in his favour, and bargained with that by saying that Canada does not need to be have as many elections as we have in the last few years, and we need a stable government to be able to pass bills in a timely, and efficient manner.

I believe that Stephen Harper won the debate, if there was a winner to be decided.  I personally watched the debate live on t.v. and, he maintained a calm, cool, and collective attitude throughout the debate.  One aspect of Stephen Harper's debating, was that he looked into the camera, and talked into it, whereas the other party leaders seemed to periodically look into the camera, but spend most of their time looking at the other party leader while debating with them.  I also agree with what Stephen Harper said about Canada needing a majority government, and that will make the passing of laws much easier, and efficient.  I believe that this leader's debate was informational, and a good perspective of what each leader will want to do, if they, and their party are elected into office.

Links: Story:


Veiled Women Arrested at Paris Protest

The first ban on veils in the world was put into effect on Monday, in France.  The French Government says that this new law will help to protects it citizens from inequality, and extremism.  The new law says, that in short, you cannot have your face covered while in a public place, or you can be arrested.  Not even a day had passed, when two veiled women were arrested at a protest for wearing a veil.  The rules are that if you are arrested wearing a veil, you are fined 150 Euros, and no jail time, but if you make someone wear a veil, you face a 30,000 Euros fine, and up to a year in prison.  If you make a minor wear a veil, then you could face double that.  Italy has a similar law of where you cannot have your face covered, but it seems that this law made by France is actually targeted at veil-wearers more, or less.

I believe that this law is completely unfair, and unnecessary.  If the country is run democratically, then it should be a free country, and the citizens should be able to do what they want, and in this case, wear what they want.  There is no doubt in my mind, that there will be lots, and lots of controversy over this issue.  The decision to wear a veil is a personal choice, which also relates to the persons religion.  I have to say that The French Government did not make the right choice in my mind, and I am sure in many other peoples minds.


Japan PM Urges Calm As Nuclear Level Raised

Just recently, Japan Officials have raised the Nuclear warning of The Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant Nuclear danger.  Officials have raised the warning from a 5 to a 7, which is the same level that Chornobyl was at when it melted-down in 1986.  The level was changed since recent studies have shown that there is some increased radioactivity around the area.  Even though the level is the same, the radiation emission is only 10% of what Chornobly's radiation emission was.  Up until this new announcement, Chornobyl was the only nuclear plant to have a rating of 7, and for some background information The Three Mile Island incident of 1979 was rated a 5.  With this new warning, The Government of Japan has also extended the evacuation zone to anywhere within 70km of the nuclear power plant.  The Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant was damaged after a tsunami hit the plant.  It went through all of it's proper steps of proper shutdown, and prevention of a melt-down, but after all of it's back-up plans, it still began to go into a partle-meltdown.  Japan itself has still been getting after shocks, and two in the last two weeks, with both magnitudes being over 6.0 on the Richter Scale.  The Government of Japan has now also raised the death toll to 13,219 people, and also there are still more than 14,000 people still missing, and more than 145,000 people in evacuation centres.

I personally believe that this is a tragic incident that could not have been prevented.  Some may try, and argue that there could have been more rules, and regulations regarding safety, and proper shut-down.  If you really think about it though, it is a Nuclear Reactor, and there is only so much we can do to prevent this, and if The Japanese Government is doing all that they can, or could, before-hand then I do not have a problem with it.  I believe that, because Japan is a nation that is rocked with many earthquakes over time, then they should have the most advanced, and innovated equipment regrading safety, and proper shut-down procedures.  They need to get their power from somewhere, and Nuclear Power is the cleanest non-reusable source, and then it only makes sense for them to use Nuclear Power to produce power for their country.  I believe that this is a tragedy, that could not have been prevented, but can be improved upon in the sense that they should have the best technology, and proper shut-down procedures.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Controversial Quebec Liberal To Remain In Race

The Liberal canidate in the riding of Manicouagan in Quebec, Andres Forbes, was apparently dropped by his party last week after he made some controversial comments about Aborignal People. Forbes apparently said that Aboriginal People are "featherheads" and lazy.  This raised lots of contreversity, and enough so for Liberal Party Leader, Micheal Ignatieff, to kick Forbes out of the Liberal Party.  Since Forbes has already been nominated for the election, the party cannot fire him as a canidate, and he is not quitting, which means that as of right now, the Liberal Party has no canidate for the riding of Manicouagan, Quebec.  Since he still wants to run in the election, he will be an independant canidate, but still show up on the ballot as a memeber of the Liberal Party of Canada.  Since the Liberals cannot technically have a canidate in that riding, they are a little disturbed by this.

I believe that Andres Forbes' comment about Aboriginal People being "featherheads" and lazy was completely uncalled for, and he should be ashamed that he even said that.  I think that as a canidate, he should resign form the election, because of his actions.  The Aboriginal People were here before us, and I am probably sure that they helped with their knowledge of their land to save more than a few European explorers, and travellers.  The fact that he has stayed in the election has probably angered more than a few people across a Canada.  Even with an apology, I believe that he should still drop-out of the election, because his actions were inexcusable, and since they cannot be met with any formal punishment, then I believe that he should resign himself.


Gbagbo Arrested In Ivory Coast: Reports

On Monday, President Laurent Gbagbo was arrested by rebel troops.  There has been a lot of up rise in The African Nation since last year when President Gbagbo supposedly rigged the election which was actually won by the opposition leader and internationally recognized winner Alassane Ouattara.  President Gbagbo was trying to hold on until the in a bunker within his presidential compound, until today where French, United Nations (UN), and rebel troops arrested him.  They now are being held within a hotel in Abidjan where Alassane Ouattara, and is now being guarded by UN Police.  Even though Gbagbo was arrested, gunfire could still be heard on the night of his arrest from Gbagbo supporters who still do not believe their leader has been arrested.  The French, and The UN both deny participation in the arrest, and so does the opposition leaders, but apparently the French were rumoured to have bombarded that area hard, and then provided some ground support with armoured vehicles.

I believe that some of the African countries, such as Ivory Coast, may be corrupt, and the threat of more, and more possible up rises in that part of the world are almost inevitable.  After what happened in Eygpt, it almost seemed like it opened new doors, and sparked new ideas for countries who are corrupt.  I believe that it is likely that we see more of these demonstrations of displeasure by the citizens of a country.  Right after Eygpt, Lybia started to up rise, and the number of protests in the world went up quite significantly in a short period of time.  I do not see these protests as a bad thing, but a great thing, one that shows that people have had enough, and that in this day and age, people will take a stand on what they believe, and that is exactly what these citizens are doing.

Floodwater Recedes North of Winnipeg

Once again this year The Red River flooded some parts of Manitoba causing evacuations all across the province.  It seems that every year, there is a little bit of ice build-up and then the water spills over the banks of the river putting property, but more importantly life at risk.  Just like every year, volunteers worked vigorously to try and save homes by filling sand bags and then building dikes to try and protect homes at the last minute before the floodwater came.  In total this year, thirty-four homes were evacuated in bedroom communities just north Winnipeg.  There is some good news for these home-owners though, the floodwaters dropped over Saturday night, and they may be allowed back home soon.  Crews are working on pumping water out of low-dikes and clearing two homes where there basements were flooded now that on Sunday morning, no water was touching the emergency dikes.

I believe that this is an unfortunate event, and that more actions should be taken place to try and prevent the flood almost every year.  I have never been to Winnipeg, but I am sure it is a nice city, and it is a shame to hear every year as a Canadian citizen about this trade.  It was just a bad location during the spring time every year, and other than that Winnipeg is probably a nice city.  I hope that one day I may visit the city, and see all of the tourism around Winnipeg, but of course I will have to be careful not plan my trip there in April.  This also goes to show the world that no matter what we do, or how advance civilization becomes, we are still vulnerable to Mother Nature's powers.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

May Not Welcome in Leader's Debates: Networks

Just like last election there is controversity over The Green Party Leader, Elizabeth May should be allowed to participate.  The Green Party does not have a seat in The House of Commons, and therefore some people in Canada believe that she does not get a spot in the leaders debate broadcast across the country.  Another point against The Green Party Leader, is that during the last election, she was included in the leaders debate she was rude to the other leaders of the parties.  As for who has the decision who gets included in the debate is up to the broadcasting consortium.  The Green Party may be a large political party across Canada, yet they still do not have a seat in The House of Commons.  Some people my argue that without a seat in The House of Commons, that does not make their leader eligible for the leaders debate.  Elizabeth May was included in the last leader's debate, but she turned-out to be rude to the other leaders.  May is determined to be included again this time around, but that decision is up to the broadcasting consortium.

I believe that to be included in the leader's debate, your party should at least hold one seat in The House of Commons.  Why should you be included in a discussion to have a say between party leaders, where you do not even have a say in The House of Commons?  From where I stand, as long as a party has a seat in The House of Commons, then they should have an invitation to the leaders debate, and if they do not, then they might just have to sit this one out then.  Another point that I would like to add is that, when the last leader's debate occurred in the last election, Elizabeth May was included, but was completely rude to the other leaders.  I believe that this alone, if I was a leader, would give me a reason almost not to want May included in the debate.  In the end, it does not matter, and Elizabeth May is right, that she has a right to be in the debate, and it probably would not bother the general public too much, and I know it would not bother at all.
