Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Slave Lake Evacuees Complain Of Little Warning

The residents of Slave Lake, a town in Alberta, are complaining that they did not have enough warning to leave their homes, and be evacuated from the area before raging forest fires closed in from all around.  There was no word of evacuation, until the radio stations were closed, and police had to go door-to-door, warning people of the need to evacuate.  People had to find-out about the evacuation through social media, which is a terrible means of communication when lives are at danger.  Some of the evacuees were told to leave the area, when their homes were on fire already.  There needs to be more action taken to properly evacuate residents in a safe, and efficient way, to be properly evacuated before any danger is near the residents.  Officials say that residents in the area are not allowed back into their homes, for at least a week, and it possibly could be two weeks.  Many of the homes are being destroyed, and burned, and 7 RCMP Officers homes were also included in the destruction.

I believe that when the residents return to their homes, there has to be a proper evacuation plan implemented, so that if there ever was another forest fire nearby, and there was a need to evacuate.  This is an essential need for a community that has had problems like this in the past, or could potentially have problems like this in the future, for the safety of it's residents.  This plan needs to be implemented immediately, for the safety of it's residents.  I think that as soon as people are allowed back into their homes, and The Town Council can assemble, then they need to have this issue at the top of their, "To Do List."  As for the effort that was made to make the evacuation possible, I believe that they did an excellent job at trying to go door-to-door to try, and communicate the danger that was heading their way.  This matter is very unfortunate, but some safety measures can be taken to prevent lives being at a greater of a risk.


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