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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Busy Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast

This year for the Atlantic Hurricane Forecast, is predicting 12 to 18 named storms that will hit the U.S., and surrounding area.  The U.S. National Weather Service is also predicting that 6 to 10 of these storms will be hurricanes.  Three to six of these storms are supposed to major storms, which is at least a category three hurricane, and the winds in these storms can possibly be gusting up to 180 kilometres an hour, the U.S. National Weather Service added.  The storms are supposed to hit The Atlantic Coast harder than the last few years.  People are probably worrying again in the southern states, after what happened with Hurricane Katrina.  Analysts say that the reason for the spike in the predicted amount of storms, compared to last year is, because the temperature is warmer is than usual, the fact that the weather phenomenon La Nina is supposed to be present in the hurricane season this season, seasonal climate models suggest that an above-average hurricane season is likely.  These storms, also have the potential to travel up The Atlantic Coast, and hit Canada.

I believe that this is a very unfortunate matter which has to be dealt with almost every year.  Each year, people of these regions are devastated as they have their homes, and property destroyed by storms. Each year as well, more safety precautions are taken to try, and prevent the loss of life, and damage to property.  I think that it is also, just a poor geographical location to live in with all of the storms that pass through The U.S. Area.  I hope that with this high number of hurricane season predicted ahead of us people have a plan to evacuate the dangered area, efficiently, and effectively.  I hope that this hurricane season, is not as bad as it is predicted to be.

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