Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pakastani Leaders Unaware Of Osama Hideout, Gates Says

After Osama bin Laden's death a few weeks ago, during a U.S. Navy Seal Raid on a compound in Pakistan, there have been some speculations that The Pakistani Government knew that bid Laden was living there for the last five years.  The question of whether, or not Pakistani Officials knew about bin Laden being within their country, is still unclear, but it is quite possible that they had no idea what so ever.  This is what U.S. Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, thinks as well.  He thinks that no, high-level government official knew about bin Laden living in their country, and has seen no evidence to show him that they did, and has, in fact, seen evidence to prove that they did not.  This issue is very controversial, because over the past ten years, ten billion dollars, have been sent to Pakistan in aid.  If it turns-out that Pakistan knew that bin Laden was living in Pakistan, then the bill in The Senate would not likely be passed, and The U.S. would stop funding aid to Pakistan.  This would mean that innocent people would suffer from this, because the money that The U.S. Government provides to Pakistan, is a very significant number, and it probably helps many people.

I believe that this is an unfortunate matter for Pakistan, because no one will believe that they did not know.  It is possible for Osama bin Laden to have crossed the Afghanistan, and Pakistan border, and then move freely about in Pakistan undercover.  The border between Afghanistan, and Pakistan, is desert, and mountains, which would make an easy task to sneak through the border at some place, un-noticed, and undercover.  Once he was in Pakistan, without the government not knowing of his presence in their country, then it would be quite simply to just lay low, and stay within the compound, that the U.S. Navy Seals raided on May 2nd, 2011.  I personally believe that it is most likely that The Pakistani Government, had no knowledge of Osama bin Laden being within their country.  I am not ruling-out that they knew, but I think that it is most likely that they did not.


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