Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pirates Kidnap 7 Danes in Indian Ocean

Starting about six years ago, Somali Pirates have began raiding vessel along the Gulf of Aden.  Last Thursday a distress signal was received from a Danish-ship.  On board the vessel, is a Danish couple, their three kids, and two crew members that work on board the ship.  Then on Monday morning, a Greek-Owned Cargo-ship, the MV Dover, was also hijacked, with 23 crew members on board.  This just highlights the concern for more, and more hijacking in the future months, and years to come.Just recently four Americans were travelling through The Gulf of Aden, and were taken hostage, and ultimately killed.  Over the years, The Somali pirates have taken larger ships too, once they took a large American freight ship.  The U.S. Marines were called in, and eventually it led to a stand-off, where the Somali Pirates fled the ship in a lifeboat, with the Captain, and they were eventually killed.

I believe that the problem with this is that there is no Coast Guard off the Somali Coast.  The Somali Government needs to organize, and mobilize a Coast Guard Unit as soon as possible.  The amount of ships being taken hostage, is enormous, and it is making people think twice about sailing through these waters.  I think that what The Somali Pirates are doing is completely wrong, and it is disturbing international trade roots in the Gulf of Aden.  I think that what the international community has done by sending large Navy Vessels to the Gulf is a good course of action.  The only problem is that no there is a larger military presence in the area is pushing the Somali Pirates farther down the Coast.  I believe that this problem will never be entirely solved, but clearly there are a few adjustments that could be made to help-out with this issue.

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