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Monday, February 28, 2011

U.S. Repositions Military Around Lybia

The U.S. are now repositioning their Navy, and Air Force around the troubled country of Lybia.  The U.S. are going to be lending hand at the Egypt, and Algeria border's.  Lybia's Leader Mommar Gadhafi, is not stepping down, and Hilary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State is calling for his resignation.  People have been rioting now for more that a week, and Gadhafi is not making any sudden movements to step down.  The opposition now holds a few cities within Lybia, and still Gadhafi has supporters.  Gadhafi has now began to harm his own citizens.  He has the army opening-fire on anti-government protesters to kill, and he has also bombed his own country.

My view on this horrific scene across the sea is that no matter-what, you should never turn on your own people, no matter-what.  Even if he does not want to step-down as leader, as soon as your own people begin to rebel against you, you may want to take the hint that it is time to step down.  What Gadhafi is doing in Lybia is wrong, as he is being asked to step-down by many world leaders, and so far he has no listened to one.  I am not too sure in my mind if Gadhaif will actually step-down, but with more, and more world leaders calling for his resignation, it could come sooner, than later.


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