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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cairo Day of Departure Call's For Murbarak's Ouster

Following my earlier blog post on the crisis
happening in Egypt at this time, President Hosni Mubarak is officially stepping down.  This comes, after a couple weeks of intensifying protests in the country's capital.  The people of Egypt again, want change, a change from their 30-year president, Hosni Mubarak.  People speculated that the protests would have gotten much worse if President Mubarak stayed in power until the September scheduled for September.  People claim that it has been too long that he has been in power, and that they want democracy now, and would not take the deal that their President had offered them.  This is an excellent example of what the people of a nation can do when they all band together, and work towards a specific goal.

I believe that the now former President Mubarak was the right move after many long days of protest, in the country's capital.  The protests were getting violent, and, Mubarak listened to what his people wanted, and, stepped down as President of Egypt, after a 30-year reign.  This comes after he announced before that he would be staying in office until the fall elections, but now his Vice-President will take over.  I believe that for the sake of his country, Former-President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak did the right thing by stepping down before the protests got-out-of-hand.


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