Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Monday, February 28, 2011

U.S. Repositions Military Around Lybia

The U.S. are now repositioning their Navy, and Air Force around the troubled country of Lybia.  The U.S. are going to be lending hand at the Egypt, and Algeria border's.  Lybia's Leader Mommar Gadhafi, is not stepping down, and Hilary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State is calling for his resignation.  People have been rioting now for more that a week, and Gadhafi is not making any sudden movements to step down.  The opposition now holds a few cities within Lybia, and still Gadhafi has supporters.  Gadhafi has now began to harm his own citizens.  He has the army opening-fire on anti-government protesters to kill, and he has also bombed his own country.

My view on this horrific scene across the sea is that no matter-what, you should never turn on your own people, no matter-what.  Even if he does not want to step-down as leader, as soon as your own people begin to rebel against you, you may want to take the hint that it is time to step down.  What Gadhafi is doing in Lybia is wrong, as he is being asked to step-down by many world leaders, and so far he has no listened to one.  I am not too sure in my mind if Gadhaif will actually step-down, but with more, and more world leaders calling for his resignation, it could come sooner, than later.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cairo Day of Departure Call's For Murbarak's Ouster

Following my earlier blog post on the crisis
happening in Egypt at this time, President Hosni Mubarak is officially stepping down.  This comes, after a couple weeks of intensifying protests in the country's capital.  The people of Egypt again, want change, a change from their 30-year president, Hosni Mubarak.  People speculated that the protests would have gotten much worse if President Mubarak stayed in power until the September scheduled for September.  People claim that it has been too long that he has been in power, and that they want democracy now, and would not take the deal that their President had offered them.  This is an excellent example of what the people of a nation can do when they all band together, and work towards a specific goal.

I believe that the now former President Mubarak was the right move after many long days of protest, in the country's capital.  The protests were getting violent, and, Mubarak listened to what his people wanted, and, stepped down as President of Egypt, after a 30-year reign.  This comes after he announced before that he would be staying in office until the fall elections, but now his Vice-President will take over.  I believe that for the sake of his country, Former-President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak did the right thing by stepping down before the protests got-out-of-hand.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Canadians to Flee From Eygpt on Monday Flights

As tempers are rising in Eygpt after almost seven days of protesting now, Canadians trapped there are looking towards their government to rescue them.  On Sunday night, Lawrence Cannon, Canada's Minister of Forgien Affairs, announced that Canada has chatered two planes, one Air Canada plane, and one other chartered plane to fly into Cairo.  When these two planes leave the now troubled city that some of the passengers once called home, just about 600 Canadians will be safe from the violence.  Thier safety does not come for free though, each passenger will have to pay for their own way out of the country.  This may not seem far to the passengers of the planes who are there on vaction since up until this point there has been no compensation for the flights that they had cancelled, or will miss, but to the rest of the country it seems like a far deal.  The speculation of who pays for thier safety has been in question since the rumours that Canada will be sending planes to go get their trapped citizens, because of the incident in Lebonan a few years ago, where Canada sent large ships to go get Canadian citizens, and Canada footed the entire bill.

The fact that the Canadians aboard these planes will have to pay for the cost of the flights seems fair.  The tax-payng citizens of Canada did not pay for their tickets over there, and why should they have to pay for their way back.  It may not seem so at the time, but when the next large intrernational crisis occurs, and the travellers have to pay for their rescue, then them too will agree with The Government of Canada's desicion during their international troubles.  I personally agree with the governments desicion on this crisis, and thought that the government handle this matter efficently, and effectively in a timely order.
