Should Each Members of The U.S. Congress Have a Security Detail?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Alleged Tucson Shooter to return to court

The world was horrified a few weeks ago when U.S. Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, 6 others were killed, and a dozen others were injured.  The alleged shooter Jared Loughner, is set to return to court soon after his first court appearance, when the judge ruled no bail.  If it was not for the heroism of some of the constituents at the meeting being held by Congresswomen Giffords this incident could have gotten more out of control then it already was.  People have argued over the problem over security of Members of Congress but the price to have a security detail on each member would be too high.  It is a policy though that they can be outfitted with security if they receive threats and other such reasons to concern America with the safety of their Members of Congress but very few have security detail.  It is obvious to American Tax Payers that there taxes would be too high if each important person in Washingston was assigned with a security and it personally does not appeal to most of them. 

With Health Care being a hot topic in Washington and reason of anger for most Americans now a days this could be a reason why Jared Loughner attacked the Congresswomen but it is not known yet and I am sure that as am I, everyone is longing to know why someone would do such a thing.

As for the case of Jared Loughner he is charged with one count attempting to assinate a member of Congress, and two counts of attempting to kill a federal employees.  Loughner also faces two other federal charges of killing Congresswomen Giffords aide and U.S. District Judge John Rolls.

As for now, it is likely that Members of Congress will be more cautious about going out to constituent meetings and other public events and I think that is a shame because Members of Congress should be out in the community and getting involved but who can blame them, right?